More on Everyday is Like Sunday

Simple really, there was a period in my life where I had no full-time job.

Back in 2005, after I finished working at Hard Rock FM, I rejoined the Indonesian national baseball team – but this time as an official. And once that was done, that is it.

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I’m on Spotify

Several months ago, I came across this quote:

Don’t die with your gifts still inside you.

Hits me directly in the nerve.

If you have known me well during my 20s, you’d know that I have been writing songs since then. Throughout these years, I’ve written around 35 songs (yeah some of them are crap). But I have only produced like 12 of them into recordings.

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I’m back

What an idiot.. I haven’t touched my blog in 6 years WTF.

Looking back, I do have the tendency of writing a lot of materials (blog post, song & music, etc) in a period of time (usually when I am broken hearted, lonely, and perhaps depressed), then nothing for years, then productivity comes back, then nothing again.

Well, I blame life. Life just happens. Some things were seen to be more important than others. And there’s nothing wrong with it. We grew up and we moved on.

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Apa itu Ethereum Classic


Saya yakin anda telah mengerti apa itu blockchain, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, dan Ethereum beserta sejarahnya. Namun jika belum, ada baiknya anda membaca terlebih dahulu di sini:

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Apa itu Bitcoin?

Penjelasan Bitcoin

Bitcoin adalah sebuah cryptocurrency yang menggunakan teknologi blockchain, atau rantaian blok. Dalam masing-masing blok, tercatat semua sejarah perpindahan Bitcoin dari alamat pengirim ke alamat penerima. Jika sebuah blok sudah penuh, makan diciptakanlah blok berikutnya. Di sinilah nama blockchain berasal.

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Apa itu Blockchain dan Cryptocurrency?

Penjelasan Blockchain

Blockchain adalah sistem pencatatan transaksi di banyak database yang tersebar luas di banyak komputer yang masing-masing memuat catatan yang identikal. Dengan catatan transaksi yang ter-desentralisasi ini, maka hampir tidak mungkin untuk diretas atau dirubah secara sepihak, tanpa menguasai jumlah mayoritas dari semua database atau komputer tersebut.

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Tim Baseball Indonesia

Sebuah kebanggaan yang sangat besar membawa nama negara Indonesia di dada dalam kancah internasional. Beruntung saya berkesempatan menjadi anggota tim baseball Indonesia selama beberapa tahun.

Saya mulai bermain baseball di kelas 3 SD, berawal dari iseng ikut-ikutan sepupu saya. 8 tahun kemudian saya menjadi pemain nasional junior dibawah 18 tahun (u-18).

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